Town Trail

In early 2006 the then Market Towns Project Officer, Sarah Saward, assembled a broad-ranging team to develop a new Town Trail for Saffron Walden. The Initiative successfully applied for a grant of £21,282 from the Heritage Lottery Fund which went towards six projects:

1. Ten plaques in the ground - designed by local architect, John Ready

2. 40,000 free leaflets, with map, describing the special features on the trail - illustrated by Megan Ridgewell; text by Sarah Kirkpatrick

3. 600 free large-print leaflets, with map, describing the special features on the trail - text by Sarah Kirkpatrick

4. 8,500 subsidised Saffron Walden Pictorial Guides - photographs by Gordon Ridgewell; text by Sarah Kirkpatrick

5. New town maps at the three main town car parks - designed by Eleanor Tanner

6. Town Trail audio guide

The plaques and leaflets were formally launched by the then Mayor, Cllr Sarfraz Anjum, and Mayoress, Mrs Lubana Anjum, on 4 November 2007.

Those taking part in planning the trail over the preceeding 18 months included the Saffron Walden Initiative, Market Towns Project Officer, UDC Tourism Officer, Blue Badge Guides, Saffron Walden Town Council, Uttlesford Access Group, Saffron Walden Library, Fry Art Gallery and Saffron Walden Museum.

Download a free Town Trail leaflet here.